Bro Nathan Lawson Testimony
Pastor David Musgrove, what a merciful privilege was granted to my family when the great Elohim selected us to be placed under your ministry before the foundations of the world were created.
His infinite foreknowledge knew that under your guidance and leadership we would be given the finest opportunity to reach the full potential we were created for. Under your leadership we have been undoubtedly able to bypass many hardships and unthinkable trials that Satan surely had planned for us.
No doubt there has been untold instances where your intercession before God on our behalf through prayer and genuine love has moved Jehovah towards compassion upon our lives.
The effects of your ministry of 54 years will only be fully known when on the other side of this mortality your sacrifice is made know to all the Bride saints for this generation and all the generations gone before.
As a family and particularly myself I can speak to 48 years of a constant press on a Shepherd’s heart to get, all the sheep over into Ephesians 4:13. Bro. Musgrove I believe you were hand selected for the Voice of the Archangel to speak through. A special person who would not fail in making sure the Bride Groom is pleased with His chosen Bride.
We also believe that just as you were named after King David, the 8th son of Jesse and every aspect of your life has been a supernatural parallel to the man after God’s own heart; you will fulfill Psalms 71:18. The commission of “I will make you a living testimony from under the 7th Seal” has come to pass and those Thundering Voices will continue to utter out of you until His strength and power is shown to every one that is to come.
God’s preference in opening the door to the Jewish people was found in you. God found a way to connect you to supernatural dreams from Jewish Rabbis and phone calls connecting you with the 4th seal of Malachi 4’s message to usher in “Time is Short”. This set into motion the unveiling of all revealed mysteries on the 70 weeks of Daniel which raised the expectation of the world wide Bride to going home time.
As a family we found it fitting to gift you as close a replica of Aaron’s breastplate as possible. The temple institute in Israel as well as (bibleandscience) has determined this is the way according to Exodus 28:15-21 the breastplate would have looked.
Aaron the high priest wore the breastplate when he was alive, after his passing it hung on a post in the temple. We are attaching a few quote from the Prophet to emphasize its meaning.
We believe that through inheritance God placed an anointing on your life to be part of the New Testament Levitical priesthood, not by natural genealogy but by supernatural election.
The Urim Thummim test of old is the exact test you as our Pastor have always given every situation. THE WORD TEST. That is the most accurate words I can use to describe your ministry of 54 years; Never a comprise, Never legalistic. Taking every situation before the WRITTEN WORD, the SPOKEN WORD, the REVEALED WORD and seeing what God has to say about it and for this we will be eternally grateful.
God Richly Bless You with Good Health and Strength, The Lawsons (Nathan, Cathy, Ethan, Noah)
God bless you, my precious Brother, you’ll never know how much your office has blessed my soul until we meet at Jesus’ feet ! God bless your entire family !
Last sunday service was such a tremendous unfolding masterpiece on urim thummin .surely God unfolds His word through His annointed vessels of the resurrection
God richly bless ,Bro musgrove
Thank you Pastor for many years We have waited for This and know is here wow,!!!!!God must’ve to be vail Many years ago was behind animal skins so it is today different kind of animals with intelligent to believe in who they are.When I was a kid a few years ago I played baseball and I was so excited when I was going to hit I have confidence was able to help the cause,I am excited my time to hit is next this revelation is and no matter who is on the road I tried to get to him first; He is calling I will answer all the way to the rapture Amén Amén.Pastor what a massages you and Brother Jason are preaching the Bible has become the open vision Thank.